Designing Your Webinar Site

Follow the steps below to configure the theme, adjust colors, and upload graphics for your webinar site.

Written by Meaghan Laaper
Updated over a week ago

While your webinar site is ready to go upon creation, you may want to make some adjustments to better fit your brand. Follow the steps below to configure the theme, adjust colors, and upload graphics for your webinar site.

1 Customize the colors. Start by selecting your webinar. From the left-hand navigation, click Branding. To customize your webinar's main colors, in the Select your Color section, hover over the primary color and click Change Color. Drag and drop the color picker to change the shade. Do the same for your secondary color.

If you already know the colors you want to use, click the Hex value.

Select the hex value

Add your custom Hex value and tap Enter on your keyboard to save.

The primary color will show up the most, so we suggest using your main branding color, and the secondary color is an accent color. Click the switch icon to reverse your primary and secondary colors.

2 Choose a mood. In the Moods section, choose between the Light, Night, or Color moods.

NOTE: It's a good idea to check your webinar site after changing a color or mood. To do so, click Check webinar in the top-right corner.

3 Refine the colors. To tweak the webinar site's colors further, click Advanced settings. Safe color mode is on by default. We recommend keeping this setting on to optimize your webinar site's accessibility.

To customize the background color, under "Override background color," click Change background.

GIF of dragging and dropping the color picker

Use the color picker to select the color you want. When you're done, click anywhere outside of the color picker to save.

NOTE: Click Restore default to reset the background.

4 Change fonts, if desired. If you have a Webinar Pro or Premium account, you can select a different font type for your webinar's Headings and Body text from the respective dropdowns. Check any changes you make in the previewer.

Image of Font personalization section on the Branding Page. A standard font is selected from the Headings dropdown

NOTE: Have a Premium account and want to add custom fonts? Reach out to your Account Manger and ask about the Branding Package, then reference these steps.

5 Upload webinar graphics, if desired. If you have a Webinar Pro or Premium account, you can use Webinar graphics to add branding and further customization to your site. Logos will appear in the top-left corner of your webinar site, while banners will appear across the top.

To add a logo, in the Logo section, click Upload. Locate the file on your computer, make sure the file is the correct format and size, and click Open.

To add a banner, in the Banner Image section, click Upload. Locate the file on your computer, make sure the file is the correct format and size, and click Open.

If your banner is decorative, you're done! If not, you can add alt text to your banner. To do so, click Edit alt text.

Your banner image will appear at the top of your site. Once you've added the image, click Edit alt text.

Write your alt text, then click Save.

This text will be read in place of your banner image for attendees who are using screen readers.

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