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Moderating Live Q&A

Learn how to moderate Live Q&A during a presentation.

Mitchell Isaacs avatar
Written by Mitchell Isaacs
Updated over 11 months ago

With Live Q&A, attendees can submit questions during a presentation and upvote the ones they want answered most. As a moderator, you have the final say on which questions remain visible to other attendees and which are answered live.

1 Access the presentation. Begin by logging in to the webinar. Then click Join as attendee or Join as host.

NOTE: Live Q&A will open 15 minutes before the session start time, and close 15 minutes after its end time.

2 Start moderating questions. In the toolbar on the right, click Q&A. If the webinar was set up to auto-approve questions, the Approved tab will open by default and display all of the questions that have been submitted. If not, questions will display in the Pending tab and have to be approved first.

Live Q&A with Pending tab open and Approve selected under What will this industry look like in 5 years?

To decline an approved question, click the icon next to the question you want to remove.

Or, if you need to approve a question that has already been declined, click the Declined tab. Then click Approve next to the question to approve it instead.

NOTE: If the webinar is not set to auto-approve questions, click the arrow to the right of the Answered tab to reveal the Declined tab.

Attendees will not be notified if their question is declined. Additionally, attendees will be able to view all approved questions within the Q&A tab.

3 Display a question. Click the Approved tab. Click Display next to a question to show it as the current question during the presentation.

Image showing the displayed question overlaid with the webinar

Click Done when the speaker has finished answering the question and it will appear as "Answered" to attendees in the Q&A tab.

Or, write a response to the question. Click the Approved tab. Click Write response next to a question and type your answer in the textbox.

When you're finished, click Post response.

Post response selected under Our guest speaker will be covering this shortly!

Attendees will be able to view the response within the Q&A tab. To share the answer with attendees on top of the presentation content, click Display.

If you need to make changes to your written answer, navigate to the Answered tab. Click Edit response, make the updates, then click Save. You can also click the trashcan icon to remove your written response entirely.

4 Remove an answered question, if necessary. If you want to move an answered question to the Declined tab so it no longer appears to attendees, click the Answered tab. Next to the question you want to remove, click the icon.

Answered tab open with Decline question selected

NOTE: Need a record of the questions asked during Q&A? You will need to copy and paste the questions and any written responses prior to the end of the webinar.

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